"School Socialization Research"

Diversity Day at the University of Wuppertal: Save the Date 11.06.2024

27.05.2024|10:52 Uhr

The University of Wuppertal is inviting students and employees to a day of action on June 11, 2024 on the topic of “Diversity and criticism of racism in teaching and research”. In addition to informal discussions on various topics relating to diversity in teaching and research, the program includes a keynote speech and an ideas workshop.

German Diversity Day will take place for the 12th time on May 28. Initiated by the Charta der Vielfalt e. V., it aims to raise awareness of diversity in the world of work, reduce prejudice and promote inclusive working environments. The University of Wuppertal is building on this and inviting students and employees to a day of action on June 11. The topic: “Diversity and criticism of racism in teaching and research”. In addition to informal discussions on various topics relating to diversity in teaching and research, the program includes a keynote speech and an ideas workshop.

Organized by the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Office and the University's Anti-Discrimination Office, students and staff are invited to take part in the various formats from 12 noon to 4 pm. This will be followed by a get-together at the campus summer party.

Please register by e-mail or using the form below.

Program overview:

12 to 13.30: Brown Bag Lunch “Networking Diversity” with Prof. Dr. Miriam Schwarzenthal and Prof. Dr. David Gerlach

Members of the University of Wuppertal work together on the topic of diversity in teaching and research in different disciplines and with different focal points (e.g. in relation to stereotypes, discrimination, cultural diversity, multilingualism, criticism of racism, gender-sensitive teaching). The first aim of the meeting is to exchange information on research priorities and approaches and to create a “diversity research map” of the university in order to establish and/or strengthen interdisciplinary collaborations for the future.
The second goal is the collaborative, participatory planning of a sustainable networking format at the University of Wuppertal to intensify scientific exchange in the form of a “Diversity Lunch”.

13.30 to 14.15: Keynote speech “Diversity sensitivity and criticism of racism in teaching and in the university context” by Zeynep Demir (psychologist and research associate at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at Bielefeld University)

Diversity, anti-discrimination or anti-racism officers: German universities are increasingly developing the area of diversity in their strategic planning. Diversity is becoming increasingly important in the context of higher education, partly because the university environment is becoming more international and global.

Promoting diversity in higher education means valuing diversity. It means, for example, ensuring that all students can contribute to the university as part of their studies and have a sense of belonging. It is therefore important to see diversity first and foremost as an opportunity and a resource. In order for universities to better exploit the potential of diversity, they must develop strategies to promote equal opportunities - including in university teaching and in the academic environment.

14.15 to 15.45: Ideas workshop “Making teaching reflective of diversity and critical of racism” with Gizem Evin Bülbül & René Breiwe

Discussions on contemporary university teaching include the importance of student diversity. For example, reference is made to the increasing number of 'non-traditional students' and the changing family and working conditions of students. Against this background, the workshop will explore the question of how teaching can be designed in a way that reflects diversity and is critical of racism.

Further information and registration options can be found on the website of the Anti-Discrimination Office.