"School Socialization Research"

Scientific career

Since 01/2022 Junior Professor for „School Sozialization Research“ at the University of Wuppertal
Since 07/2018 Post-doctoral Fellow at the College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (CIDER)
06/2019-12/2021 Post-docoral Fellow, research group "Diversity in Education and Development", Prof. Dr. Linda Juang, Inclusive Education, University of Potsdam
02/2019-04/2019 Visiting Scholar at the Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, KU Leuven, Belgium
05/2019 Dr. phil., topic: „Intercultural competence among students attending culturally diverse schools in Germany” (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Linda Juang, Prof. Dr. Maja Schachner, Prof. Dr. Fons van de Vijver), University of Potsdam (Grade: summa cum laude)
10/2017-04/2020 Research Project Coordinatior, project funded by the German Research Foundation „Short-term and long-term effects of a culture-specific self-affirmation intervention to promote school adjustment of adolescents of migrant and refugee backgrounds” (PI: Prof. Dr. Linda Juang und Dr. Maja Schachner), Inclusive Education, University of Potsdam
12/2014-12/2021 Ph.D.Student, research group "Diversity in Education and Development" (Prof. Dr. Linda Juang), Inclusive Education, University of Potsdam
08/2013-01/2014 Research Internship at the Center for Applied Cross-Cultural Research, Wellington, New Zealand
10/2012-09/2014 M.Sc. in Psychology, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
10/2008-01/2012 B.Sc. in Psychology, University of Cologne